If a project’s unit testing phase has been completed successfully, it would be easy to assume that individually proven components can be combined without issue into a working system. However, one component incorrectly functioning could inadvertently affect the behaviour of another component and, if undetected at a later stage of development, could lead to serious issues with the delivery.
This highlights the need for an in-depth system-level analysis to be completed before moving to the next step in the quality assurance lifecycle. System Integration Testing (SIT) is conducted in order to verify a component’s ability to operate as expected with other components within the same environment, and is performed after unit testing in the testing life cycle.
S-I-T service
The SIT service provided by MirrorTech takes an in-depth look at the nature of the system-under-test and its behaviour around other components. As a result, the application is tested in order to verify that it meets the standards set by the client as well as reassuring the development team that assumptions which were made during unit testing are correct.
MirrorTech consultants are trained to follow a highly-structured approach whereby testing is driven by the requirements specification of the application and the expertise of the software development team. MirrorTech will design and conduct tests which range from the most simple of requirements to the most complex, using a top-down or bottom-up approach, or a mixture of both.
With MirrorTech consultants being adaptable as well as highly experienced, System Integration Testing can be catered for within a wide range of organisations and environments. When following this practice, a higher level of coverage can be targeted and achieved, and enables
Oil, Gas & Petrochemical
Testing Services:
Hardware Design:
MirrorTech to isolate major constraints early on in application testing, providing a high level of quality assurance and cost effectiveness to aid the successful delivery of your project.
Functional Testing Services

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