Technologies are constantly changing and there are many ways to distribute your products to the market. CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, mobile phones and the Internet are common distribution channels. Multimedia Testing involves testing your multimedia products on these different formats and mediums.
You might think that the process of producing a CD or DVD has evolved to a point where testing is no longer required. However, this is not true. With this kind of media, you first have to produce a master or gold copy of your software from which all other copies are made. If there are any mistakes in the gold copy they will be replicated to all of the media that will be distributed to your customers. This can devastate a company’s reputation and subsequent roll-backs or fixes can greatly increase costs.
These problems are typically stem from developers using one environment for testing. The compliment of drivers, plugins, codecs, etc included on the gold disc might be sufficient to install your product on that test machine, but not others.
Our extensive
Another general problem that can be identified by Multimedia Testing is the existence of small content errors that are easy to miss during development, such as spelling mistakes or inaccurate information in change logs, web pages or read me files.
MirrorTech can help ensure that your packaged software application is absolute, exact and compatible by testing across multiple platforms. This can be from very new high-end PC and Mac hardware to more common configurations and legacy machines.
Our extensive Test Lab contains a broad range of end-user environments, encompassing different operating systems, desktop applications, video and audio media players and multimedia plug-ins. MirrorTech can also provide a set of “fresh eyes” for proof reading and content checking of documentation and guides.
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