Designing and developing a website is more than just throwing pen to paper. It's about understanding the market, the business needs and identifying and understanding the target audience. Our dedicated team of marketers through to designers and technical staff will work with you every step of the way, ensuring that the end result meets you and your clients' expectations and business requirements at every level.
Our web development skills are second to none, working on government projects that make key decisions. Full dynamic websites can be created very quickly with a keen I for quality. We complete all the work inhouse to ensure continuity.
Along with the development of software applications & Products , Mirror Technologies is pleased to provide you with web design services.
When we start working on your project, our goal is to make sure that the final result meets these three key objectives:
• Web-site appeals to the target audience
• Web-site is easy to use
• Web-site is effective
You can create a bright flashy site with lots of animation and cool effects, however if your target audience is the financial industry, then it will not be attractive to them. And vice versa, a lot of numbers and facts won't appeal to the teenage crowd. They would appreciate a site that targets their emotions. So before starting the design process, we take time to analyze and understand your audience, their desires and motives.
Usability is a crucial part of any software application or a web-site. If your customers are not able to determine what the purpose of the site is and how to use it in the first 5-10 seconds - they won't use it again. For our brains the speed we browse the internet is comparable to the speed of a car running on a highway. You only have a few moments to catch the meaning of a billboard on the side of the road. The same rule applies to web-design. Your customer should immediately understand your offering, how to navigate the web-site and what the next step is. And our team will make sure that your site achieves these goals.
You may have a beautiful web-site, appealing to your audience. It may be extremely user-friendly and easy to use. However if it does not achieve its purpose - the site is useless. If you are selling a product, your site should not lead your customers to a maze of information pages. It should get your visitor to the "Thank you for your order!" page. If you a running a restaurant business, then your web-site goal is to get the customer to call you to make a reservation. Therefore your phone number should not be buried at the very bottom of the "Contact Us" page, but rather proudly displayed at the most prominent place on all pages. And when we design your site, we build it in a way that actually guides the customer to the desired point.
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