The PMS offering utilizes the 800xA Automation system for contingency based fast Load Shedding, Power Control and SCADA functionality for the electrical system. Historically these applications may be supplied from different vendors using different products and applications. PMS integrates all of these into one application portfolio, and thus encompasses “systems” which may be referred to under different names within industry, such as:
* Power Management System
* Power Distribution Control System
* Load Management System
* Electrical Network Monitoring & Control System
* Electrical Control System
* Electrical Integrated Control System
* Integrated Protection and Control System
These “systems” are supported within the PMS application.
Mirrortech’s Industrial IT Power Management System (PMS) has been specifically designed for the most energy-intensive sectors in which you operate.
A common platform for process control, safety, power generation, utility control and power management.The Mirrortech PMS is based on Mirrortech’s Industrial IT Extended Automation System 800xA, which is designed to monitor, control and protect all sections of a process plant. This common IndustrialIT platform provides control functions, and a flexible and well organized single window interface that allows operators to work efficiently. In addition, advanced functions such as intelligent alarm filtering, consistency analysis and operator guidance help reduce the need for operator intervention and, more importantly, these functions can prevent incorrect interventions.
Mirrortech PMS main functions
The PMS provides an integrated set of control, supervision and management functions for power generation, distribution and supply in industrial plants. In addition to the traditional functions of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), the system offers:
* SCADA electrical functions:
+ Generator control including integration with the governor and excitation controller.
+ Circuit breaker control including integration with protection relays, event monitoring, time synchronization with 1ms resolution. Synchronization between two electrical islands must be performed and checked by the PMS before a circuit breaker is closed. The generators used for synchronization can be selected manually or automatically. This is performed by the synchronization function.
+ Transformer and tapchanger control: the mode control function changes the control mode of tap-changers, governors and excitation systems according to the status of the electrical network.
+ Motor control including integration with motor control centers, time synchronization, automatic sequential re-start and re-acceleration release after load shedding or under-voltage.
* Network Determination: This and the mode control function are important supporting functions for the Power Control, Load Shedding and Synchronization features.
* Power Control including tie-line control, peak shaving and load sharing.
* Load Shedding including both fast, slow and frequency based.
Oil, gas and petrochemical facilities are very energy intensive. A power disruption in a refinery or LNG plant could result in several days of lost production, which could translate into millions of dollars of lost revenue. MirrorTech PMS in Oil and Gas has a track record of successful implementations in many environments, including offshore platforms, floating production, storage and offloading vessels (FPSOs), refineries, LNG complexes, and large petrochemical complexes.
Oil, Gas & Petrochemical
Testing Services:
Hardware Design:
If you have any questions or queries regarding our PMS system's please Contact Us...
PMS System's
- Servo Voltage Stabilizer (SVS)
- Power Distribution Frame (PDF)
- Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)
- Phase & Neutral Balancing System (PNBS)
- SMPS - Power Plant.
- Isolation Transformer.

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