Swalf Soft a Complete Webdevelopment Environment
Swalfsoft is a Web Application. It is provide easy transaction among the Clients. It mainly used to maintain a swalfgroup information and also clients status.
Dynamic Web Application:
Technology Used: PHP & MYSQL

- PHP manages freeing all resources. Users does not required to free file handle resource, database resources, memory, etc, unless programmer need to free resource during script execution
- Support for traits has been added.
- Binary number format has been added, e.g. 0b001001101.
- Improved parse error messages and improved incompatible arguments warnings
- The session extension can now track the upload progress of files.
Each and every Group or subgroup has more record. So it is not easy for searching one particular record. So that we can implements a different search method. It can be sort out the group, subgroup and client. This sort out techniques can reduce the time and effectively search a group, sub group and Client details. It has more than 1000 member. We had provided option to send email to all clients or for only selected clients. It can able to send an email with more than 1000 client at a time. The Email function is very useful to maintain up to date swalf status and reduce a manual works.
Features- Digital correction algorithm for nonlinearities of temperature, supply voltage and pressure
- Supply voltage range: 4.5Vto 5.5V
- Embedded EEPROM for calibration coefficient storage
- Digital I2C interface
- Analog and digital output
- Operating temperature -400C to1250C
Typical Applications:
- Face book
- Linked In
- Orkut
- Zillow
- Gmail
Software Features:
- In Manage group page the administrator can create, edit and delete the group.
- In Manage subgroup page the administrator can create, edit and delete the subgroup.
- The Client details of the swalf group are uploaded to the server and get stored in the mysql database in the server, at the same time the uploaded details can be viewed and client details uploaded can be edited, unwanted client details can be deleted.
- In Quotation page the filled out html form are converted to pdf format and then quotation is mailed thro email to the client.
- In Manage Clients page all the clients details are displayed. The clients details can be edited, deleted and new client can be added.
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Learn Bench - Php & Mysql | Informatica | Linux | RIA | JQuery | Joomla | Durpal | Zend | Flex | Ajax | Software Testing | Java | ASP.Net | Oracle | Python | Ruby On Rails | Sliverlight | Adobe - { Ps | DW | Fs }
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